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about MARCO​

The goal is to build a Linux powered autonomous boat, named MARCO (Marine Autonomous Robotic COmmunicator), that can travel anywhere in the world. Raspberry Pi is used to power MARCO. MARCO will travel autonomously using GPS tracking and custom code built by us.


All three of us are more experienced using Arduino than Raspberry Pi, therefore we decided to write and test code on Arduino and then transfer it over to Raspberry Pi.


The design will be based off a surf board to minimize the risk of it capsizing. MARCO will have one propeller as its source of momentum. A rudder, custom built by us, will steer MARCO to its final destination. MARCO will be powered by a battery that is charged by solar         panels.



Tergel M

Project team lead

Tergel is enthusiastic and is interested in electronics and computers. He handled almost all part of the project, from 3D designing to programming to calculating to power system. He handled all the software and hardware of MARCO. 

Luke H

Project team member

Luke has experience with mechanical systems. The design of the boat and web development were his two biggest contributions. Also assisted in other aspects such as the power supply system.

Project team member

Ethan c

Ethan has experience in designing mechanical systems. He handled mechanical parts (rudder system) of MARCO.


Robert J. Twi​ggs

Project team lead and mentor

Satish chetty

Project team lead and mentor

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